Cool Eats for Hot Days: What to Feed Kids During Heatwaves

If you’ve been struggling to get your kids to eat enough during this heatwaves, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many parents have reached out to me, worried about their children’s food and liquid intake during these scorching weeks.

High temperatures can decrease kids’ appetites and make it harder to ensure they stay hydrated and nourished. Here are some detailed tips and strategies that have helped me manage this situation effectively:

Fruits & Veggies The Power of Hydrating Produce for heatwaves

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One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your kids hydrated and nourished is by serving fruits and vegetables with high water content. These foods are not only refreshing but also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for their growth and development.

Top Hydrating Fruits and Veggies:

  • Watermelon: Composed of about 92% water, watermelon is a favorite among kids and provides a good dose of vitamins A and C.
  • Strawberries: These juicy berries are about 91% water and are rich in antioxidants and fiber.
  • Celery: With a water content of about 95%, celery is excellent for hydration and contains vitamins A, K, and folate.
  • Cucumber: Made up of 95% water, cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and contain vitamins K and B.
  • Pineapple: This tropical fruit is about 86% water and offers a substantial amount of vitamin C and manganese.
  • Lettuce: With a water content of 96%, lettuce is a great addition to meals to boost hydration.
  • Tomatoes: Comprising about 95% water, tomatoes are rich in vitamins C, K, and potassium.
  • Oranges: These citrus fruits are about 86% water and are packed with vitamin C and fiber.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Serve these fruits and veggies as snacks throughout the day.
  • Add them to main meals as side dishes or incorporate them into salads.
  • Create colorful fruit platters or veggie sticks with dips to make them more appealing.

Front-Load Food The Strategy of Early Eating

Another effective strategy is to front-load their food intake. As the day progresses, the heat intensifies, and kids often become too hot and tired to eat much. By focusing on ensuring they consume more food in the cooler morning hours, you can help balance their overall calorie intake.

Tips for Front-Loading Food:

  • Hearty Breakfasts: Encourage a nutritious and hearty breakfast. Include a mix of proteins, whole grains, and fruits. Examples include scrambled eggs with whole-grain toast and a side of fruit, or a smoothie made with yogurt, spinach, and mixed berries.
  • Mid-Morning Snacks: Offer substantial mid-morning snacks to keep their energy levels up. Greek yogurt with honey and granola, or a peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole-grain bread, are excellent choices.
  • Cooling Lunches: Ensure lunch includes hydrating foods and is consumed before the peak heat of the day. Sandwiches with plenty of veggies wraps with lean protein and greens, or a hearty salad can work well.

Snack Plates The Flexibility of Picky Meals

During these hot months, structured meals can become less appealing to kids. Instead, they may prefer to graze on smaller, more frequent meals. Snack plates provide the flexibility they need and can be packed with nutrition.

Creating Balanced Snack Plates:

  • Hydrating Fruits and Veggies: Include slices of watermelon, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, and orange segments.
  • Protein Sources: Add small portions of cheese, boiled eggs, slices of cooked chicken, or hummus.
  • Healthy Carbs: Incorporate toasted pitta bread, whole-grain crackers, mini bagels, or rice cakes.
  • Appealing Presentation: Arrange the items in a fun and colorful way to make them more appealing to kids. Use cookie cutters to shape fruits and veggies into fun shapes.

Lots of Liquids Ensuring Sufficient Fluid Intake

Maintaining adequate fluid intake is critical, especially during a heatwave. While water should be the primary source of hydration, sometimes kids need a bit more encouragement to drink enough.

Strategies to Encourage Drinking:

flavoured water
  • Flavored Waters: Infuse water with slices of fruit, such as lemon, lime, strawberries, or mint leaves to add flavor without added sugars.
  • Diluted Juices: Allow fruit juices but dilute them with water to reduce sugar content and increase hydration. Adding ice cubes can also make it more refreshing.
  • Healthy Beverages: Offer drinks like coconut water, which is naturally rich in electrolytes. Herbal teas served cold can also be a great option.
  • Relaxed Rules: Temporarily relax the rules on juices and squashes. These can be more appealing in hot weather, and ensuring they stay hydrated is the priority.

Ice Cream & Ice Lollie

Ice cream and ice lollies are go-to treats for cooling down in the summer, and many parents have found themselves allowing more of these than usual. While it’s important to maintain a balanced diet, these treats can play a role in keeping kids cool and hydrated.

Healthy Frozen Treat Options:

  • Homemade Popsicles: Make your own popsicles using 100% fruit juice or blended fruits. You can also add yogurt for a creamy texture.
  • Frozen Fruit: Freeze grapes, berries, or banana slices for a refreshing and healthy snack.
  • Smoothie Pops: Blend fruits with coconut water or almond milk and freeze in popsicle molds for a nutrient-rich treat.

Since kids may naturally reduce their intake of other sugary treats like chocolate and cake during hot weather, a slight increase in ice cream and ice lollies can balance out their overall diet.
Encourage moderation and balance by pairing frozen treats with hydrating snacks

Important Considerations during Heatwaves

While these tips can help manage your child’s nutrition and hydration during a heatwave, it’s crucial to be vigilant about signs of dehydration. Symptoms can include dry mouth, dark urine, lethargy, and dizziness. If you are worried about your child’s hydration status, especially for babies and toddlers, seek immediate advice from your GP, pediatrician, or health worker.


Navigating your child’s nutrition and hydration during a heatwaves can be challenging, but with these practical tips, you can help ensure they stay healthy and hydrated. By incorporating high-water-content fruits and veggies, front-loading food intake, offering flexible snack plates, encouraging fluid intake, and allowing cooling treats in moderation, you can make this hot season more manageable for you and your kids. Remember, keeping them hydrated is the priority, so adapt these strategies to fit your family’s needs and enjoy a healthy, happy summer!

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